2022 Asia long drive championshipが、9月16日から18日の3日間、タイのプーケット島にあるラグーナゴルフクラブで開催されました。アジアとオセアニアから選ばれし選手達が集い、初代アジア王者を目指して熱い戦いが繰り広げられました。残念なのは、コロナ禍の影響で中国と韓国勢が不出場となった事です。また当初、中国海南島で大会が開催される予定でしたが、こちらも中国政府のコロナ対策により開催が出来なくなり、急遽会場がタイに変更されました。この様な厳しい条件下で大会開催に漕ぎ着けたALDAの皆様には、感謝の言葉しかございません。大会開催を諦める事なく選手の輝ける舞台を提供して頂き、心より感謝申し上げます。
The 2022 Asia long drive championship was held from September 16th to 18th at the Laguna Golf Club in Phuket, Thailand. Athletes selected from Asia and Oceania gathered to fight for the title of the first Asian champion. Unfortunately, due to the corona crisis, the Chinese and Korean teams were not able to participate. Also, the tournament was originally scheduled to be held in Hainan Island, China, but due to the Chinese government's corona measures, it was not possible to hold it, and the venue was suddenly changed to Thailand. I can only say thank you to everyone at ALDA who managed to hold the tournament under such difficult conditions. Thank you very much for providing a shining stage for the players without giving up on the competition.
At this tournament, Akihiro Hotta (JPLA), who participated in the Masters Division, achieved the feat of becoming the first Japanese to win an international tournament. Congratulations to Akihiro Hotta. It seems that the Asian Games will come back next year with an upgraded version, so LDJ will do our best to support it. And finally, thank you to all the players who participated in this tournament. Let's do our best to aim for the next Asian Games.
2022 Asia long drive championship
September 16th 17th 18th/ Thailand Laguna Phuket Golf Club
Organizer /ALDA
優勝 Steffan Scutti (NZL)
2位 Dechnattharat Jitcharoenchaichna (THA)
優勝 堀田晃宏 (JPN)
2位 西田謙司 (JPN)
優勝 Phillis Meti (NZL)
2位 Suwanan Khongpia (THA)